Programming world
We all know that programming is of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer “how to perform a task". This can be done through using a variety of programming languages, such as JS,Python,C++,.NET etc.
From my experience I can say that there are two key phrases here which are quiet important:
- Without the programmer (you) the computer is useless. It does what you tell to do.
- Computers are tools, they are complex tools ,admittedly ,but they are not mysterious or magical: they exist to make task easier.
From my experience I can say that programming is a creative task.There is no right or wrong way to solve a problem. There are choices may shown ,and one way may seem better than the other ,but that doesn’t mean the other is wrong ,with the right skill and experience ,a programmer can craft software to solve an unlimited number of problems.
There are three concepts(fig.1) which are the basic logical structure in computer programming:
- Sequence : running instruction in order.
- Selection : making choices.
- Repetition : doing same thing more than once(iteration).
Computers don’t understand languages like English or Spanish ,so we have to use a programming language they understand to give them instructions.
There are many different languages ,all of which have their own mwrits ,and certain languages are better suited for particular type of task ,but there is no one language which is the best.
Programs are often referred to as code and hence programming are also known as coding