What’s New In Python 3.9

2 min readSep 25, 2021


New syntax features:

  • PEP 584, union operators added to dict;
  • PEP 585, type hinting generics in standard collections;
  • PEP 614, relaxed grammar restrictions on decorators.

New built-in features:

  • PEP 616, string methods to remove prefixes and suffixes.

New features in the standard library:

  • PEP 593, flexible function and variable annotations;
  • os.pidfd_open() added that allows process management without races and signals.

New library modules:

  • PEP 615, the IANA Time Zone Database is now present in the standard library in the zoneinfo module;
  • an implementation of a topological sort of a graph is now provided in the new graphlib module.

New Features

Dictionary Merge & Update Operators

Merge (|) and update (|=) operators have been added to the built-in dict class. Those complement the existing dict.update and {**d1, **d2} methods of merging dictionaries.

New String Methods to Remove Prefixes and Suffixes

str.removeprefix(prefix) and str.removesuffix(suffix) have been added to easily remove an unneeded prefix or a suffix from a string. Corresponding bytes, bytearray, and collections.UserString methods have also been added.

New Modules


The zoneinfo module brings support for the IANA time zone database to the standard library. It adds zoneinfo.ZoneInfo, a concrete datetime.tzinfo implementation backed by the system’s time zone data.


A new module, graphlib, was added that contains the graphlib.TopologicalSorter class to offer functionality to perform topological sorting of graphs.

CPython bytecode changes

  • The LOAD_ASSERTION_ERROR opcode was added for handling the assert statement. Previously, the assert statement would not work correctly if the AssertionError exception was being shadowed.
  • The COMPARE_OP opcode was split into four distinct instructions:
  • COMPARE_OP for rich comparisons
  • IS_OP for ‘is’ and ‘is not’ tests
  • CONTAINS_OP for ‘in’ and ‘not in’ test
  • JUMP_IF_NOT_EXC_MATCH for checking exceptions in ‘try-except’ statements.




Written by BadariNath

I'm a graduate student. I'm so interested on writing blogs about tech. so keep follow and update about tech changes in world

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