Why I was interested in programming

2 min readSep 25, 2021


Computer programming has an integral role in our world. You would not be reading this article without it. In fact, without computer programming you would not be able to use your cell phone, computer or smart TV. Learning the fundamentals of programming can set you apart from your counterparts, giving you a competitive edge in this technology-driven world. Earning a computer programming degree can help you innovate and create solutions for a global society.

What Is Programming?

Programming is using a language that a machine can understand in order to get it to perform various tasks. Computer programming is how we communicate with machines in a way that makes them function how we need.

What Is a Program?

A program is a group of logical, mathematical and sequential functions grouped together. When they are grouped, these functions perform a task. Each programming language focuses on different types of tasks as well as gives commands to the machine in different ways.

What Is a Class?

In computer programming, a class contains a group of instructions that act as commands for the computer. The class is made up of variables, integers, decimals and other symbols. These are put together in certain orders to let the computer know what task to perform.

What Is a Function?

Even if you are new to computer programming, you are familiar with functions. If you use an online music streaming program, you press the button to start or pause the play. Those are functions.

When classes of programming languages are grouped together, they create functions. These functions allow you to perform certain tasks in a program. Some functions are small and control just one aspect of a piece of software or program. Other functions are big and ensure that the program itself runs.

What Is a Command?

Commands are the methods to control certain aspects of the program or machine. Programming languages use classes and functions that control commands. The reason that programming is so important is that it directs a computer to complete these commands over and over again, so people do not have to do the task repeatedly. Instead, the software can do it automatically and accurately.




Written by BadariNath

I'm a graduate student. I'm so interested on writing blogs about tech. so keep follow and update about tech changes in world

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